The cast of the beloved 1993 Chicago made comedy, Groundhog Day is slated to come together in Chicago on February 2, Groundhog Day, to honor the late Harold Ramis in the 10th a...
The Independent Film Alliance Chicago (IFA) is starting the year off by holding an intimate, in-person conversation and Q&A with Oscar-winning filmmaker, Chicago native Mat...
The Navy Pier festive Light Up The Lake display is the largest indoor and outdoor holiday experience in Chicago. Explore the Pier’s dazzling outdoor lakef...
The Independent Film Alliance Chicago (IFA), a nonprofit dedicated to providing the community and resources needed to build a diverse and sustainable industry of independe...
Submissions are open to all Midwest area filmmakers for the 7th Annual Patrick Lives On Film Showcase sponsored by Resolution Digital Studios and Cinespace Film Studios.
The Independent Film Alliance Chicago, SeriesFest and The Second City Film School are back in partnership with the second SeriesFest Pitch-A-Thon Roadshow: Chicago LIVE, an ev...
The Independent Film Alliance Chicago, SeriesFest and The Second City Film School are excited for the return of the SeriesFest Pitch-A-Thon Roadshow: Chicago on October 25.
The Independent Film Alliance of Chicago (IFA) announces its 2023 fundraiser, Magic Hour. on Thursday, November 30, at Wildman Boiler & Tank Co. and will&nb...
The Midwest Film Festival is set to host its 9th Annual Advertising Community Night on September 25th at the Gene Siskel Film Center, sponsored by AICP.
This event pro...
Will Chicago native Merit Kahn become the next popular comedian the Windy City has produced? The comedian is set to embark on a U.S. tour with her acclaimed one-woman show, Wh...
McDonald’s of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana (MOCNI) and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana (RMHC-CNI), McDonald’s charity of choice...
Chicago Filmmakers, a hub for film enthusiasts and industry professionals, is gearing up for an extravagant celebration of its 50th anniversary. This milestone event promises ...
Get ready to embark on a magical journey through Disney history as Disney100: The Exhibition is set to open in Chicago on November 18, 2023.
Presented by The Walt Disn...
CineCity Studios is hosting a rain or shine benefit for Ronald McDonald House on Thursday, August 10, from 6 - 9 PM. Red Shoe Brew brings hundreds of individuals together for ...
Chicago Filmmakers presents CHICAGO SEEN VOL 16, showcasing original and exhilarating cinematic art from the Chicago independent & DIY film communities.
Programmed ...
Chicago Filmmakers presents Roy's World: Barry Gifford's Chicago (USA, 2020), by director and producer Rob Christopher with text written by Barry Gifford.
Barry Gifford i...
The Back to the Future cast members gather for a reunion at Fan Expo Chicago. The incredible Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, and Tom Wilson, who portrayed the ...
On Thursday, July 6th, noted Chicago Tribune Film Critic Michael Phillips will serve as Guest Chef for the Chicago-based nonprofit organization Guest House, whose mission is t...
Filmscape 2023 scored high points as they wrapped up their annual two-day event that just keeps getting better every year.
It was an outstanding weekend, bringing our film...
The excitement keeps building as the Greta Gerwig film, Barbie starring Margo Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken in the lead roles gets closer to the July 21 release date...