Salvi Media, a content strategy agency in Chicago, has produced the web series, The CEO Series, profiling prominent Chicago-based CEOs across various industries, offering an i...
With the addition of five new Walkie Talkies, Chicago Children's Theatre's podcast series now offers family friendly, story-based audio adventure tours of 17 different Chica...
Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson is expanding his producer horizons with Lionsgate, STARZ’s parent company, as he moves into the world of podcasts.
Lionsgate recently announce...
The Second City is proud to announce the world premiere of The Tam and Kevin Show, its first original web series, to debut on The Second City YouTube channel June 13.
Anthony Gigante, Vice President of Business Development/ TV/ Cinema at PRG announces the debut of his new podcast, Our Fighting Spirit, an interview format program celebratin...
PodcastOne announced that it has signed retired NFL Pro Bowl Quarterback Jay Cutler for an exclusive podcast and vodcast series called Uncut with Jay Cutler.
Cutler is ...
Design visionaries Erin Sarofsky and Austin Shaw are launching Between the Keyframes vidcast covering the craft and culture of motion design, and it will be hosted by these two...
Laurence Fishburne's Cinema Gypsy Productions and Larenz Tate's Tate Men Entertainment gear up to release the second season of the audio-scripted series Bronzeville, which c...