Three young women find themselves trapped in a 1970s horror movie in Get Away, a short film conceived and directed by Michael Gabriele and produced by full-service Chicago vi...
Reel Chicago and Reel 360 News publisher, Barbara L. Roche, is one of the producers of Colin Francis Costello’s latest and terrifying short film, Storage. The film won Best U...
Somewhere in America, produced by Chicago based media company Schodorf Films, marks Chicago/Midwest Emmy-Award winning filmmaker, Brian Schodorf’s sixth feature length projec...
Katharin Mraz, a Chicago-based film director, commercial producer, actress and model, has announced the launch of a new venture: Ladie K, LLC.
The new entertainment compa...
Fans of New Orleans music and culture are in for a very special musical and cinematic experience as the new film Take Me To The River New Orleans is headed to Chicago on May 1...
Valentine's day is just around the corner and with the global pandemic, many couples are choosing to stream movies at home “and chill”.
There are many romantic movies f...
Academy Award nominee, Emmy Award nominee and star of Empire Taraji P. Henson has joined the upcoming film adaption of The Color Purple musical as sexy and sultry jazz singer S...
The Chicago Indie Critics have announced the nominees for their sixth annual film awards. Leading all films with nine nominations is Netflix’s The Power of the Dog, directe...
Filmed on location in Chicago, Disney Channel Original Movie Christmas Again, premieres on Disney Channel and Disney+.
Christmas Again was directed by Andy Fickman (Race to...
November 12 is now officially Disney+ day and the streaming service released a massive amount of content (more than 25 films, shorts, and TV shows.)
Among those are, Shang-...
Chicago has become the Hollywood of the Midwest, however, it has always been home to many incredible and entertaining stories, including horror stories.
With Halloween comi...
FACETS, newly reopened and welcoming back the Chicago film community, will present a new late night screening series starting Thursday, October 7, 2021.
The series comes ...
Conversations at the Edge’s fall 2021 calendar begins Thursday, September 23 with a season of virtual and in-person screenings and talks by groundbreaking media artists.
Full Spectrum Features (FSF) announces the films and filmmakers selected to take part in Chicagoland Shorts Vol. 7, an annual short film collection featuring boundary-pushing, ...
The past year has been a chaotic one for movies as the Covid-19 pandemic has forced countless films to either move to VOD, release in a hybrid manner in theaters and VOD, or de...
The reboot of Home Alone is coming exclusively to Disney+ as Home Sweet Home Alone on November 12, just in time for the holiday season.
I had the extreme good fortune of wor...
Filmed in Chicago, Oscar winner Jordan Peele unleashes a fresh take on Chicago's Cabrini-Green blood-chilling urban legend: Candyman.
Filmmaker Nia DaCosta (Little W...
The Road Dance, a WWI drama/love story, based on actual events, was developed and produced by Sheridan Road Productions, a Chicago-based development and production company.
There is an impressive group of Hollywood's A-List in the new documentary American Badass: A Michael Madsen Retrospective.
Among those who honor the life and career of Mich...
Steven Spielberg, a filmmaker synonymous with big-screen enchantment, has set a new deal with Netflix in which his production company, Amblin Partners, will make multiple featu...