On Thursday, July 2, Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady, M.D., issued an Emergency Travel Order directing travelers entering or returning to Chicago from states experiencing a surge in new COVID-19 cases to quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state.
The Order will go into effect on Monday July 6, 2020, at 12:01am. The order applies to states that have a case rate greater than 15 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 resident population, per day, over a 7- day rolling average. Read the full orderNo. 2020-10.
States Currently Covered by the Order
When the order goes into effect on July 6, travelers from the following states will be directed to quarantine upon arrival in Chicago: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.
With total confirmed 2,735,554 Covid-19 cases in the US, numbers are on the rise again as many states have withdrawn lockdown relaxations and imposed stay-at-home orders.
Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached over 10,835,000 with over 509,000 deaths and 5,253,000 recoveries.