Place your classifieds on Reel Chicago: job openings, jobs wanted, services offered, space for rent, equipment for sale, etc. $150 per month. Contact

Job opportunities withReel Chicago and Reel 360

Website Maintenance Associate
Seeking a web savvy individual to manage our websites at Reel Chicago and Reel 360:
   · upload stories into draft, size and optimize photos, add tags and links
   · manage elert
   · manage social media
SEO knowledge, WordPress experience, and writing skills are helpful.
Send resume to our publisher, Barbara

Contributing Writers
Reel Chicago and Reel 360 are seeking professional freelance writers who have a knowledge of advertising and production and can write relevant trade news and feature stories for our Reel Chicago readers, and for our Reel 360 coast-to-coast readers. We will assign stories and you are encouraged to suggest story ideas. Story length is 300 to 500 words. Send letter/resume and two samples of recent work to our publisher, Barbara Roche:

We need a staff photographer. For details

Ad Sales
We are seeking an experienced ad sales person. Commission plus bonuses. Send a letter and resume

Looking for someone who enjoys social media and blogging, to assist in maintaining our highly active website and social media. Knowledge of WordPress is required.

Also seeking someone who is majoring in journalism, filmmaking, or advertising who would enjoy gathering news and possibly a few writing assignments. 

Flexible days and hours to suit your schedule. Work from home. Send resume