Walk right in and start shooting a chromakey project at Greenscreen Studios’ one-stop-shop

Aletha Noonan built her Chicago Greenscreen Studios last November as a place where she could produce her unique children’s videos. Now that production is humming at a steady pace, she’s opened her chromakey stages.

Noonan is a former sales executive for $8 billion Computer Discount Warehouse (CDW), remembered for its busy computer/technology Grand Ave. outlet.

Leaving CDW for marriage and motherhood, Noonan turned to writing a half dozen “Peeka Stories” books of classic stories for children from ages three months to three years.

The books, in turn, became the basis of Peeka Productions’ unique videos that feature inserts of parents, grandparents and other relatives, on-screen, reading to the child.

The chromakey inserts are edited into professionally animated and customized video stories. A single package of a 15-minute video and a hard-cover book cost $149.

Noonan says demand for the videos has been steadily increasing.

Zacuto’s Steve Weiss designed the facilities “to meet the requirements of a full-service production facility,” says Noonan.

Three studios, each approximately 18×15-sq. ft., are temperature controlled, soundproofed and outfitted with camera and lighting equipment.