Peanut Productions, LLC and M|Rising Creative in association with ESSDEE Productions have released the trailer for their new nine-episode webseries, BETA. The dramedy was created by and stars Carley Marcelle as the neurotic titular character and Adriana Leonard as her optimistic assistant Angelina Khoury, AKA “Lini.”
The synopsis goes a little something like this – Angelina “Lini” is– was– Delta’s assistant. But now they’re… TBD. After Delta finds out her soul-sucking corporate consulting job is officially a dead end, Lini convinces her to pursue her daydream of becoming an “entrepreneur.”
What begins as a strange work dynamic between an odd couple eventually grows into two women recognizing the best (and the worst) in each other, and deciding that they’re stronger as a team, in both life and business. Watch the trailer below:
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“Change starts with stories, and we don’t have mainstream stories about women leading entrepreneurial ventures, especially in one of the most powerful industries in today’s world: technology. We also don’t have enough stories about the challenges women face working together and navigating the complexities of modern day feminism,” the creators tell Reel Chicago.
From the grind of startup culture, to gender dynamics in business, to a deep look at the complexities of millennial female identity and women’s relationships, BETA dives in with heart, authenticity, and a sassy sense of humor.
Narrated by an older and established Lini five years in the future, the full series arc of BETA reveals the journey of Lini’s life- changing friendship with a woman named Delta, and the trials and tribulations of going from young housewife in Chicago’s North Shore to tech industry elite.
Marcelle and Leonard add, “This is a show that aims to nurture what we believe to be a critical dialogue about women’s leadership contributions and the role those contributions play in the shaping of our future. This streaming series is a teaser to demonstrate the power of this dynamic character duo and the story that we want to bring to life for mainstream audiences.”
To help ignite the conversation and bridge the gap between fiction and reality, the production companies have decided to launch a full virtual campaign, panel and premiere event called #BETAIN on August 1.