Tom Duff celebrates 29 years at Optimus

Tom Duff

Big congrats to Tom Duff, who is celebrating 29 years at Optimus, marking nearly three decades of leadership and innovation in the advertising and post-production industry.

As the posthouse’s President, Duff has played a pivotal role in transforming the company into one of the most respected creative houses in not only Chicago, but the country. His tenure has been characterized by a commitment to excellence, a deep understanding of the creative process, and a relentless drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible in media production.

And of course, the classic Optimus block parties.

When the Loyola graduate joined Optimus in August 1995, the internet was just beginning to emerge as a transformative force, with companies like Netscape launching the first widely popular web browser. This was the dawn of the digital age, and the advertising industry was on the cusp of a revolution that would shift much of its focus from traditional media to digital platforms.

The year also saw the release of Microsoft’s Windows 95, which would go on to become a cornerstone of personal computing. In the world of entertainment, Pixar released Toy Story, the first entirely computer-animated feature film, showcasing the potential of new technology in storytelling and setting the stage for future innovations in media production.

The global landscape was also changing. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established, marking a new era in global trade, while in the U.S., the economy was on the rise, driven by the tech boom. Pop culture was thriving, with the grunge music scene still in full swing and the rise of blockbuster films like Braveheart and Apollo 13 dominating theaters.

Just a year after Tom joined Optimus, the company underwent a significant transformation when he, along with a group of partners, acquired the company in 1996 from Anheuser – Busch. This acquisition marked a new era for Optimus, positioning it for growth and innovation under its new leadership.

At the time of the sale, Duff and his partners saw tremendous potential in Optimus, recognizing the need to adapt to the rapidly changing media landscape. The acquisition allowed them to implement their vision for the company, expanding its capabilities and services to meet the evolving demands of clients in an increasingly digital world.

The move paid off, as Optimus soon became a leader in the post-production industry, known for its cutting-edge work and creative excellence.

Tom’s leadership has been instrumental in the company’s success, with Optimus delivering top-tier work for major brands such as McDonald’s, Allstate, Coca-Cola, and Anheuser-Busch.

Notable projects include the iconic Allstate “Mayhem” campaign and several Super Bowl commercials, which have left a lasting impact on audiences and set high standards within the industry.

The Birth of The ONE

In 2004, Tom was instrumental in the launch of a spin-off company called ONE at Optimus. This new entity was designed to focus specifically on production, allowing Optimus to differentiate its production services from its post-production capabilities. ONE at Optimus quickly gained a reputation for its creative storytelling and high-quality production work, collaborating with top agencies and brands.

The launch allowed the parent company to provide even more specialized services, enhancing its ability to handle complex projects from start to finish. By separating production and post-production into distinct units, Optimus was able to offer clients a more streamlined and efficient process while maintaining its high standards of quality.

Since its inception, ONE at Optimus has been involved in producing commercials, branded content, and digital media for a wide range of clients. The spin-off’s success has further solidified Optimus’s reputation as a leader in the industry, known for its ability to deliver exceptional work across multiple disciplines.

Today, both Optimus and ONE at Optimus continue to thrive, with each entity playing a critical role in the company’s overall success. Their combined efforts have resulted in award-winning campaigns, innovative content, and a legacy of excellence that spans over five decades.



Tom’s influence extends beyond Optimus, as he has played a significant role in the broader advertising and production industry through his involvement with the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP). The AICP represents the interests of companies that specialize in producing commercials for advertisers, promoting the highest standards of creativity, production, and integrity in the industry.

Duff has been an active member of the AICP for many years, contributing to industry discussions and advocating for policies that support the growth and sustainability of independent production companies. His leadership and insights have helped shape the direction of the industry, ensuring that companies like Optimus can continue to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Optimus and Beyond

Beyond his contributions to Optimus, the passionate golfer is recognized as a thought leader in the AICP and the creative community. His approachable leadership style and focus on collaboration have fostered a culture of innovation at Optimus, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of the evolving media landscape.

Advertising has certainly changed in the 29 years since Tom joined Optimus. But one thing has not – Tom. And the Chicago advertising community is happy that he is still here.

Happy 29, Tom. We love ya at Reel Chicago.

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Colin Costello is the West Coast Editor of Reel Chicago. Contact him at or follow him on X at @colinthewriter1