Studio-type rollout for Baby Galigo Films’ crime-horror film, flagship of a multimedia franchise

When director James Zahn and producer Matt Pletcher launch their crime-horror epic “Death Walks the Streets” next year, it will be not only a feature film, but the flagship property of a multimedia franchise featuring TV, a video game and a comic series.

“We want to do a studio-style rollout without spending studio dollars,” said Pletcher of Baby Galigo Films.

“We want to think like a studio, but we can accomplish this on a tenth of what it would cost a studio.”

Pletcher and Zahn are raising the $9-13 million budget for the vampire-werewolf-zombie-gangster flick from a combination of private investor groups and a deal with a major independent production/distribution house.

“Lion’s Gate loves the project, they’re just trying to fit it into their schedule,” said Pletcher, who mentioned talks with several other mini-majors.

The plan is to shoot 48-49 days in L.A. beginning next March, plus up to 8-16 days of additional shooting here in May. “We’ll bring substantial actors here, do some aerial shots, a major car chase and some scenes with visible landmarks,” Pletcher said.