Overall, the year coming to a close was nothing to cheer about. For most, October was a pretty good month, November was scary, but December, bless its cold and windy heart, is going to be okay from what we hear.
Here’s a rundown on some recent production activity.
DIRECTOR DENNIS MANARCHY came off a huge five-day Panasonic job, regrouped, and immediately went to Soldier Field to film four spots for LaVita (a Viagra type product) with spokesman Mike Ditka, the epitome of macho. They will air during the NFL playoffs and probably during the Super Bowl. Agency was the Quantum Group, New York.
Manarchy executive producer Dan Lundmark also produced for tabletop ace David Deahl of Big Deahl, who directed two Nestle spots for JWT and Daley/L.A. and a McDonald’s regional spot for Arnold of Boston.
CROSSROADS L.A.’s Brandon Dickerson directed a Hillshire Farms spot for Tatham’s Craig Wagner… Angle Park’s Martin Baumgaertner shoots his first 24P job: a direct response Lind- Waltock Loop brokerage firm … One World’s Michael Neuman went to Atlanta to direct another Dirt Devil spot.
SPI-TV never runs out of projects. Producer Jim Demas and director/editor Roger Gazga are shooting DVcam on one of four half-hour infomercials for the Take Over Payment Network, a service that helps buyers find their car at a nearby dealership.