Split Pillow funds playwright Stephen Cone’s first feature, “Christians,” to open 7th busy season

Non-profit production incubator Split Pillow will open its seventh season next year with its highest profile film to-date, playwright Stephen Cone’s “The Christians,” now in post-production.

Cone approached Split Pillow with a completed script and some attachments for his debut feature, and Split Pillow provided complete funding for the film, a co-production with Cone’s ConeArts.

Split Pillow also supplied personnel, including producers Jason Stephens and Dennis Belogorsky, editor Jeff McHale (Split Pillow’s new creative director, their first staff position), and production designer Dan Mohr.

“This opens the door that we’re open and interested in works that have been developed outside,” said Stephens, executive director of Split Pillow. The group is allowing a much longer window than usual between production and premiere.

“We’re giving ourselves some lead time and word of mouth to generate buzz,” he said.

Arian Moayed (Spike Lee’s “M.O.N.Y.”) and Krissy Shields (“2 wks/1yr”) star in “The Christians” with Rob Belushi, Laurel Schroeder, Bill McGough, Sadie Rogers, J. Kingsford Goode and LaShawn Banks (“The Merry Gentleman”). It’s the story of two Christian couples awaiting the rapture after a disaster cripples civilization.

Split Pillow bursting with other production