Shim’s documentary “The House of Suh” explores life, family and murder conviction of Andrew Suh

“I was under the impression that I was doing the right thing,” Andrew Suh says in the trailer for Iris Shim’s documentary “House of Suh.”

Suh, who was 19 at the time, confessed to the 1993 murder of Robert O’Dubaine, his sister Catherine’s boyfriend. “She put a gun in my hand and said ?you know what to do,'” Suh says in the trailer.

Catherine was convicted of conspiracy.

Suh is incarcerated at Pontiac correctional center and is eligible for parole in 27 years. His attorney Carol Hogan is appealing the length of the sentence, on grounds including the allegation that Judge John Morrissey, who sentenced Suh, had a relationship with the O’Dubaine family and should have recused himself from the case.

Shim said she’s “not trying to justify the actions of Andrew or Catherine. ?The House of Suh’ is an attempt to tell the honest, untold side of the story. A lot of the media coverage has been sensationalized. They caricatured Catherine as a larger-than-life femme fatal. We’re not looking to create a piece that helps Andrew get out of prison. If it does help, that’s great.”