Second trip to S. Africa for MPG’s Bob Hercules; shoots ?mini-docs’ for Opportunity International

Media Process Group’s Bob Hercules is back from two whirlwind weeks in South Africa where he directed success stories showing how Opportunity International’s microfinancing helps the poorest of the working poor.

“This was one of the best trips I ever made because the cause was fantastic and you could see the results before your eyes,” he said.

Oak Brook-headquartered Opportunity International, a pioneer in microfinance, provides small loans, sometimes as little as $50, to small businesses in impoverished countries.

Due to high travel expenses, producer/director Hercules traveled without his usual partner DP Keith Walker or a Chicago crew. In South Africa he hired the two-man crew of cameraman Trevor Samson and soundman Ken Geraighty. Samson is former news photographer noted for his work during the Apartheid era.