Screenings and script readings bookend Gay Film Week

The 3rd annual Gay Film Week starts Monday, Nov. 10 with two events: Monday’s Queer Bits Fall Festival of new LGBT short films making their Chicago debut and Friday’s Gay Film Weekend staged readings of screen plays, both presented by Pride Films and Plays (PFP.)

Queer Bits at Public House offers 10 short films, including one from Spain and Denmark and two animated films, in the 90-minute program.  A special guest is Chicago filmmaker Dan Pal screening his short, Scotty and Josh get Enlightened.  Other filmmakers will be present for talkback afterwards.

Prior to Queer Bits screenings, PFP will host an informal gathering at Uncommon Ground, 3800 N. Clark, starting at 5:30 p.m. The bar at Public House, 3914 N. Clark, opens at 6:30 p.m. and the program starts at 7:30.

Gay Film Weekend, Nov. 14-15 weekend is the culmination of Pride Films and Plays’ Great Gay Screenplay Contest.  Screenplays with LGBT characters and themes, selected by a panel of professional filmmakers, will be performed as enhanced stage readings at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted. 

Programming team for the two events were David Zak, PFP’s founder and executive producer, Nelson Rodriguez, producer/programming director; Michael Graham, Libby Lane, Dan Pal, Marc Peurye, Stefan Pfister, Jason Staskus and Alex Thompson.

Tickets may be purchased here or by calling 800/838-3006.