Jenny Lumpkin is the international Artist Agent and Senior Producer for Quriosity Productions. Politely referred to as “Q #2”, she is armed with a BFA in both graphic design and creative writing from the Kansas City Art Institute.
Besides offering an intimate understanding of the art of visual communication in advertising and entertainment, Jenny is also the positive, energetic liaison between clients and the creative process.
Her experience includes work with foreign and domestic advertising agencies as well as advertisers.
In short, Jenny Lumpkin builds relationships, brand image, and business.
“The work is getting even more sophisticated and engaging than I ever imagined,” she says. “With budgets ever shrinking and content creation at an all time high, it is my responsibility and privilege to assemble smart, effective teams without compromising the creative. Connecting the right people and managing a strong process is what we do at Quriosity. I’m fortunate to work with the best in the business and can proudly claim that, once you’ve had a ‘Quriosity Experience,’ you will never go anywhere else.”
To view Quriosity’s latest and greatest work, click here.
Jenny Lumpkin — achievements, etc.
Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP)
Show Producer, Chicago — 2016 & 2017
Show Producer, KC — 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Member 2013-2017
Association of Independent Commercial Editors (AICE)
Executive Board Member 2017, 2018
REEL Women Drink Scotch – An Advertising Social Club Founder / EP
American Photography Association (APA) Member 2015-2018
LeBook Chicago, New York, LA, San Francisco Member 2017, 2018
Chicago Advertising Federation Member 2017, 2018
Women In Film Member 2012-2018
Women In Digital Member 2017, 2018
Midwest Independent Film Festival Member 2012-2018
How did you get into the business? In primary school “take your kid to work day” was the worst day of my life. I was the product of two biologists and there were strict laws against taking your kid with you to work at a hospital. I was the only kid left at school doing the busy work we were just going to redo the next day when the rest of the students got back from their fabulous adventures. The next year my Grandpa saved me from this complete humiliation and invited me spend a day with him. He is effortlessly cool, the ultimate advertising man, I still want to be him when I grow up. By this time he was freelancing for every agency in Kansas City. The morning started as any other morning at my grandparent’s house, me drinking chocolate milk while grandma whipped up the pancake batter. Being the creative one, Grandpa actually designed the pancakes with fancy illustration tools and techniques. I was allowed to call out anything I wanted him to create unicorns, puppy dogs, etc. Our proudest pancake was a T-Rex riding a bicycle. Only creative geniuses can pull off things like that. After breakfast the day moved at 100 miles per minute. We raced storyboards over to Barkley Evergreen, dropped in on a print shoot at Bernstein Rein, had lunch with a new account opportunity on the Plaza. I was ruined for anything else. The agencies and creative studios were full of fantastic colors, wild energy and the most interesting people I’d ever met. We walked right through the front doors and talked to them all. One Creative Director even had a live rooster as a pet on his desk. When we worked at home he set up on his Lucygraf machine so I could practice my drawing skills. I went through high and onto college knowing advertising was going to be my life. The vendor side is a great fit for me, I have the privilege of working with numerous agencies, clients and creative people all over the world. Honestly, I can’t imagine doing anything else.
What obstacles have you faced specifically because of your gender? Writing my name in the snow, reaching tall shelves without a step stool, pull ups.
Best thing to ever happen to you to remind you that you are a woman? Power heels — one can’t have too many bossy shoes
Work you are most proud of? I’m proud of all our work, especially the projects we do at Quriosity. The relationship I have with Qadree Holmes, the Founder/EP is probably one of the most successful relationships of my life. Our personalities compliment each other well and we’ve been fortunate to grow this idea of a business in a real national brand, we’re five years old in July! I get really excited about challenging productions or interesting creative but I’m most proud of our work we’ve done for social causes. Quriosity very much supports diversity, promoting women and minorities. I’m very proud to be a part of that. We’ve done work for Obama’s Affordable Care Act, the 3% Conference, Hilary Clinton’s Campaign. We’ve worked on feature films like Signature Move, a sweet romantic comedy about gay brown women. As advertising and entertainment professionals we have a platform the world pays attention to. It’s rewarding to be able to use those superpowers for really good causes I believe in.
How do you describe the most significant #metoo moment of your life? All of #metoo moments are significant and unfortunately ALL women have these stories. What has changed about me is how I handle these moments when they happen and how I let them affect me. A light example was when I was 21 and studying abroad. I lived in Florence, Italy. I remember walking to school before 8am and men would bother me on the way to school, shamelessly cat call me daily, sometimes grab at me. It made me shrink as a human, I started changing my routes to avoid them even though it added quite a bit of time to my commute. They never seemed to bother Italian women though, only the vulnerable, naïve, American ones, like me. Most importantly was this power play for space on these small sidewalks, they were maybe 50 centimeters wide in most cases. Every day men would blow past me and physically knock me off the sidewalk in their hustle or stare me down and intimidate me until I stepped off apologetically and they were on their way, winning the sidewalk battle. After a few weeks of this I’d had it, I made the decision I was not stepping off the sidewalk for the rest of the semester, I lived here now too and this had to change. On a fresh Monday I downed my morning espresso and stepped out of my apartment in bossiest power boots and walked confidently to school. I felt empowered, my attitude and energy had changed and so did everyone around me. Not only did the men stop knocking me off the sidewalk but they politely said “Excuse me” as they walked around me or stepped aside to let me pass first. I can’t tell you what an absolute victory this was for me. For most of my career I’ve been the youngest, least experience and only woman in the room. Sometimes when I feel outnumbered, small or insecure I take moment to remind myself that I deserve to be here too. We are going to share the sidewalk, I’m never stepping down again.
How have professional attitudes towards women evolved during your career? I don’t know what I would do without the women in my life and in my professional circles. Talking to the more senior women in our industry I realize they had it so much harder. I’ve been fortunate to have inspiring female role models in my career who did some difficult groundwork for all of us to get here. I’ve also been lucky and have had very supportive men encouraging me on my way. Now that I’m a little bit older and more experienced in the industry it’s rewarding to be there to assist the next generation of power females. I do feel like things are getting better and women are more empowered to succeed.
Trapped on an island what essentials must you have? My dog, an unlimited supply of wine, books, sunscreen, maybe a knife too. A knife seems like a practical thing to have when trapped on an island.
If you had a time machine, what would you say to your past self? It’s okay to ask for help. Don’t stress so much, maintain a healthy work ethic, be a kind person and things will work themselves out. Try to face the hardships of life and in this industry without becoming hard yourself. There are so many beautiful things and people to enjoy.
If you could have a one-on-one with anyone who would it be? And why? I want to hang out with my Uncle Mark one on one. He died when I was young. He was a lot of fun and ultimately cool, he likely got that from my Grandpa. I still have his motorcycle jacket.
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