Real Men Cook – America’s annual Father’s Day charity celebration – will be held virtually on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21 from 3-6 PM CDT.
Now launching its fourth decade, the celebration is presented by the nonprofit, Real Men Charities, Inc.
With the recent death of George Floyd and other black men by police or self-appointed vigilantes, it is clear that African-American men are targets and are often portrayed negatively in the media. Because of this, Real Men Cook considers its message and mission one that is urgent: celebrating families and featuring a spirit of appreciation, love and service.
The annual event has attracted luminaries like Ta-Nehisi Coates and his father; actor Idris Elba, State Senator (and former President) Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton, Congressman John Lewis and more. They will continue the Charities’ mission: promoting family and community wellness.
Central to the event is a focus on healthy eating, addressing mental health, stress and self-care. This is vital as Black men have short life expectancies and are disproportionately dying from the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, the organization is honoring June as Men’s Health Month to reduce trauma and save lives.
Real Men Cook will be streamed live on a variety of platforms to reach millions and through partnerships with print and grass-roots social media outlets. Radio Station 95.1 FM Chicago, is the event’s broadcast partner. DJ Ramonski Luv, will visit legacy cooks, professional chefs, and globe trot to international points engaging average dads and world-renowned chefs from London and Haiti, like Chef Robert Gadsby, and Ron Duprat.
“Our virtual event,” declared Yvette Moyo, co-founder, “allows us to raise awareness and appreciation for our men, while adding fun. We’ll honor volunteer cooks of over 30 years. The love and appreciation for our men will not be saved for funerals nor tragedies. On Father’s Day we feed your soul.”
The University of Chicago Medicine continues its long-time sponsorship support helping to lead the health and wellness conversations. Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities, HBCU GO, the Black Star Project, and Safe and Peaceful Chicago are also sponsors. Proceeds support the entertainment venue the nonprofit recently purchased and provides scholarships to 2020 HBCU students.
For information, including how to register for the virtual event, visit www.realmencharitiesinc.org.