Producer Jan Hughes heads state bureau

The State of Illinois named former corporate producer Jan Hughes division manager of Illinois Information Services, a new department formed by combining public relations and information services into a single operation.

Hughes is in charge of the Chicago and Springfield offices that produce broadcast and press events, such as events at which Gov. Blagojevich will appear, video news releases, radio, audio streams and Webcasts.

Hughes decides what medium to use to disseminate the messaging, which is created by marketing specialists who work in the Governor’s Office, and by each department’s public information officer.

Within the next 30 days, Hughes will hire a digital photographer and newsreel-style video cameraman for the Chicago office. A large group in Springfield, he said, covers TV, radio and the Web.

“This position is the culmination of all my experience and it’s very exciting and satisfying,” said Hughes, whose 16-year old Jan Hughes Productions produced big-budget, high-end corporate video. Whirlpool and Ameritech were two major clients for many years.

Information Services is part of the state’s Central Management Services. Hughes reports to CMS deputy director Mary Beth Johnson, formerly of Ameritech. A former Hughes Ameritech client who declined the job because of travel requirements, referred Hughes to Johnson. The hiring process took two months, Hughes said.

Hughes’ phone is 312/814-5121; Email,