of Evanston opens as the area’s first distribution company for web-based short films

Today I have the pleasure of introducing Reel Chicago readers to Chicagoland’s first, for- profit, web-based short film distribution company.

Founded less than a year ago, Evanston-based Pawky is the brainchild of president Alexander Oleynikov, and VP/operations Paul Birman.

And it looks like it’s in a position to stay around for a while.

(The word “Pawky,” incidentally, is an Olde English word meaning: “shrewd and cunning, often in a humorous manner.”)

In addition to Olyenikov and Birman, company principals are content manager Elina Miller, business development director Marla Zinger and technician Pavel Korenevsky.

Their business model essentially splits the difference between competitors MotionFlix and YouTube.

It showcases hand-picked, often award-winning short films not readily available through any other online venue while allowing members to upload video, blog and take part in an online community that brings filmmakers and their audience together.

“We’re like an ongoing film festival where the audience can interact with the filmmakers on their own terms. “Pawky’s a perpetual question and answer session,” said Oleynikov.

“It does more than simply entertain you for a minute. These are carefully crafted films intended to make people question the world and think about issues differently, as well as entertain.”

“The U.S. audience is undergoing a shift in the way that it consumes video,” added Miller. “A lot of us at Pawky are from the former Soviet Union and have a very European sensibility. People here in the U.S. who traditionally have obtained video through standard television are now accepting the internet-based on-the-go video.

“We think that, not only could this growing trend ignite an appreciation for short film in the U.S. that is equal to its popularity overseas, but it can even surpass the European appreciation for it. Once the hype surrounding viral video dies down, people will want to see something of substance, perhaps something that will stay with them long after they see it.”

Content is aimed at new media outlets

Pawky’s films are ad-supported and therefore free for everyone, members and non-members alike. Their featured content is aimed at outlets such as airlines, hand-held devices– cell phones, Blackberries, PDAs, gaming consoles, plus on-demand TV and even DVD compilations.

Or as Miller said: “We don’t know the meaning of personal space. We try to work as closely as possible with our filmmakers. We get to deal with up and coming, talented individuals who have a fresh and new take on the industry. We are inspired by their immense talent and feed off of their love of film.”

Which translates into the fact that Pawky is very selective about the films they acquire. They value quality over quantity. That said, they accept submissions in all genres, to fit people’s varying tastes.

If you’re interested in submitting, they do recommend that your film should be somewhere around 20-minutes or less to suit average download speeds, as well as shortening attention spans.

They also offered this bit of advice to aspirants:

Take risks and you are your own boss. Don’t think about how marketable it will be. If you focus on what the mainstream wants, you are not staying true to yourself. Just do it and then see where it takes you.

That’s the beauty of the short. You don’t have to make gargantuan investments of time and money, and that allows you to take risks. Embrace this opportunity.

Complete details on submitting entries available at

Pawky, LLC is located at 828 Custer Ave. Suite 2N, Evanston; phone 847/556-7556, Email: