Nov. 1 set for Selz’ “the Rockville Slayer” home video release in deal with distribution companies

Marc Selz’ sophomore slasher pic “The Rockville Slayer” hits stores Nov. 1 in a home video deal with Freestyle Entertainment and Universal Music’s Visual Entertainment division.

Susan Jackson (“Cabin Fever”), who owns Freestyle and who repped “Rockville Slayer” through her producers rep company Turtle Crossing, landed the deal with Universal.

Selz brought an earlier cut of the film, then titled “Unaware,” to Jackson. “She told us if we did a few more cuts should could get us a better deal,” Selz said.

“We got different art and retitled the film. The market today likes slasher films. It gets teen audiences. This film is more psychological, but we pay homage to plenty of slasher films of the past.”