Ten non-broadcasters win Emmys out of 71 categories

It was a long night at the Midwest Emmy Awards ceremonies Sunday, Nov. 18 at the Alhambra Palace as the gold statuettes were presented to winners in a whopping 71 categories (actually 27 basic categories that were subcategorized).

Of these categories, ten Emmys for outstanding achievement, out of 14 nominees, went to local non-broadcast producers, including an ad agency (Downtown Partners) and a PR firm (Flowers Communications).

Some lucky producers went home with multiple statuettes. 

The winners are: 

Informational/Instructional Programming. “Chicago: The Most American City,” producers, Downtown Partners.  Jim Schmidt, Mark Mitten, Joe Stuart, Lynn Millspaugh, Lee Hillerich, Chris Strong, Matt Glover, Kendall Fash.

Interview/Discussion Programming. Revenge of the Great Camera Shootout 2012: Starting with Darkness,” Zacuto Films. Scott Lynch, Steve Weiss, Jens Bogehegn, Daniel Skubal.

Special Event Coverage, Edited. “2011 Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition: JMPUREPASTRY and Bitter Jester Creative. Nicolas DeGrazia, Daniel Kullman, Jimmy MacMillan, Julie MacMillan.

Arts/Entertainment Programming. “Dance For Life,” HMS Media. Scott Silberstein.

Community/Public Service (PSAs). “One Boy’s Story,” Mode Project. Colin Carter, Stefan Draht, Mike Greiner, Brooks Ruyle, Brett Schnacky, Kate Soczka.

Public Affairs/Current Affairs, Feature Segment.  “Cub Crib,” Resolute Consulting. Simon Edelman, Jim Chilsen.

Outstanding Achievement for Commercials, Campaign. “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” Flowers Communications Group. Juan Alvarez.

Outstanding Crafts Achievement Off-Air. Graphics Arts/Animation/Art Direction/Set Design.  “One Boy’s Story,” Mode Project.  Stefan Draht, Brett Schnacky.

Outstanding Crafts Achievement Off-Air. Director/Post.   “Dance for Life,” HMS Media.  Matthew Hoffman.

Outstanding Crafts Achievement Off-Air. Musical Composition/Arrangement.  “Cheat You Fair: The Story of Maxwell Street,” Big Shoulders Digital Video. Patrick Yacono.

The producer/host/reporter accepted the award on behalf of the company. The show was hosted by Sun-Times columnist Richard Roeper.