N.A.S.A video rockets Fusion Digital to the stars

3D animator/director Paul Griswold has to his credit projects involving Cate Blanchett, Coldplay, Shepherd Fairey, David Bryne, and RZA without leaving his home town of Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

Griswold, president of Fusion Digital, is on a hot streak after co-directing the music video “Money” for hip-hop group N.A.S.A, and animating the World Wildlife Federation’s “Vote Earth” video for Leo Burnett.

He claims his success comes from never turning down a project. It also helps that he’s in the midst of a 3D animation boom and lives in a city with one of the lowest costs-of-living.

Griswold won the N.A.S.A project after producer Sam “Squeak E Clean” Spiegel asked Griswold’s old college friend, Syd Garon, to direct all the videos for his album. Spiegel was a huge fan of Garon’s legendary hip-hop film Wave Twisters, which Griswold had worked on.

Griswold animated the video for the song “Way Down,” producing an homage to “West Side Story,” before assuming co-director credit on lead single “Money.”