With more than 80 people shot, a dozen killed and even more injured during protests, triggered by the murder of George Floyd, the weekend proved to be one of Chicago’s deadliest in recent memory. Now Chicago Bulls legend, Michael Jordan, has released a statement via his manager and spokeswoman Estee Portnoy.
“I am deeply saddened, truly pained and plain angry,” Jordan starts off. “I see and feel everyone’s pain, outrage and frustration. I stand with those who are calling out the ingrained racism and violence toward people of color in our country. We have had enough.”
Jordan, who is typically known for being apolitical, endorses “peaceful” protests against injustice and demanded accountability, saying the movement needs to create pressure for systemic change. He also expressed solidarity with the family of Floyd and the “countless” others who have experienced racism and injustice.
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The full statement was released on social media on multiple platforms including twitter, instagram, and NBCsports.
According to a new report from The Minneapolis Star Tribune, an indepdent medical examiner has reported that Floyd was killed by “asphyxia due to neck and back compression.” “Sustained pressure on the right side of Mr. Floyd’s carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and weight on his back impeded his ability to breathe,” said the report by medical examiners hired by Floyd’s family.
SOURCE: Yahoo Sports

Katharin Mraz is a contributing writer for Reel Chicago and Reel 360Email her at katharin@reelchicago.com