Jazz Planet.tv to bring jazz to the world

In the off chance you can’t personally make it to the Detroit International Jazz Festival this Labor Day weekend, just fire up the your laptop or mobile device and tune into Jazz Planet.tv 24/7.

“The technology is putting us on the cutting edge. Great Jazz is now coming to your universe,” says Detroit Jazz Festival executive/artistic director, Terri Pontremoli.

Through a unique partnership with Detroit Public Television, Livestream.com, the Specs Howard School of Media Arts and Show Ads Network, fans can view live performances and experience events as they happen in real time from anywhere in the world

Jazz Planet.tv evolved initially as a means to raise funds and promote the event. “We were pushed to think about how to expand and reach more people. And to showcase Detroit as a city of music to the world,” Pontremoli explains.

After doing some research and writing a grant proposal, she tapped into the creative force of Sheldon Nueman, president/CEO of Show Ads Network and founder of Joseph Productions, and a new business model was born.

“Instead of standard television, we’re taking an entire festival, event by event, into multiple time zones around the world,” explains Nueman.