It worked for Wisconsin?writing your state law maker to vote for incentives could work here, too

The IPA is asking for your support in urging state legislators to vote for the new, improved tax incentives bill and extending it for three years.

Email or phone your state representative and state senator ASAP?before the current spring legislative session abruptly ends.

The session is already three weeks in overtime, having been scheduled to shut down on April 7. It will not resume until fall.

By that time Illinois could lose millions of Hollywood production dollars to more aggressive states that have enticing incentives to offer.

The state was already left in the dust when a scheduled big budget Disney movie was shifted to Boston after Massachusetts enacted its aggressive new financial incentives package earlier this year.

The new package provides 20% credit on total production spending for visual media production in the state, plus 15% for hiring from low income areas and a three-year term.

Its value to a production company would be approximately double what they would currently earn. It provides 20 percent credit on total production spending for visual media projects in Illinois.

The state senate voted 58-0 in favor of the improvements in late February. Now it’s up to the house to enact it into law.

A sample letter is shown below. Put the Email in your own words. Snail mail is not an option given the urgency of the matter.

Locate your state representative and state senator’s names at

Send a copy to Speaker of the House Michael Madigan: 300 Capitol Building, Springfield 62706; 217/782-5350, 217/524-1794. Or 6500 S. Pulaski Rd. 2nd floor north, Chicago 60629; 773/581-8000, 773/581-9414.

And to Senate President Emil Jones, Jr.: 327 Capitol Bldg., Springfield, 62706; 217/782-2728, 217/782-3242. Or 507 W. 111th Street, Chicago 60628; 773/995-7748, 773/995-9061.

Do it today!