Nathan Adloff begins production this May on his second feature film as director, the bittersweet comedy Nate & Margaret, starring Ashley Fink (Glee) and Natalie West (Roseanne).
Adloff and Justin D.M. Palmer’s script is about the unlikely working friendship between Nate, a gay, 19-year old film student and Margaret, an older comedian (West), that’s strained when his classmate (Fink) introduces him to a potential new love.
“The Nate character [is] based on experiences I had when I was in college” at Southern Illinois University, Adloff says, “such as inviting a homeless man into my home one drunken night, then finding out later that he was the burglar who broke into my place two weeks prior and stole all of my DVDs.
“How did he end up in my living room nude with me sneaking out my back door and sprinting full speed to the nearest police station? Well, you’ll just have to wait to see the movie!”
Ash Christian of New York-based Cranium Entertainment is producing Nate & Margaret. Adloff met Christian last September at the Birmingham SHOUT Gay & Lesbian Film Festival; Christian was on the jury and the Shumanski Brothers’ Blackmail Boys premiered.
In Blackmail Boys, Adloff plays an art student and prostitute who extorts his client, a closeted Christian antigay author player by Joe Swanberg.
Adloff also appears in The Last Rites of Joe May.
Other Adloff projects in various stages of completion
Adloff has begun festival submissions for his feature directorial debut, When I’m Alone, produced by actor Danny Rhodes, who wrote the script.
Ainsley Elias and Marc Singletary play a married couple who move from town-to-town, murdering men that he picks up. With Chris Swensen, Allison Latta and Chris Meister.
“I was very intrigued by the story because it had a great potential to be a movie that didn’t fall head first into the ‘gay interest’ category,” Adloff says. “Danny and I wanted to make a film that would appeal to audiences beyond the GLBT film festivals.”
They shot most of the film a year ago, adding additional scenes last month that featured interviews with Elias’s character and others talking about what they do when they’re alone. “I’m thrilled with the new layer that it adds to the story,” Adloff says. See facebook page.
Adloff is working on the third episode of the comedy series Bad Sides, which he directs from Justin Palmer’s scripts. Danny Rhodes stars as a spoiled, hack director casting an ill-conceived feature. Adloff, Sadieh Rifai, Kristen Toomey and Tina Shaw play his team, with West guesting in the first episode.
Adloff says they’ve had meetings with network executives in New York and L.A. about picking up the series. “We truly believe Bad Sides has the potential air on a major network and become a household name,” he says.
Cast and crew applicants for Nate & Margaret can Email here.