Finished, after four years of shooting!

Life is a Dream Productions has moved on to the next phase in the four-year odyssey to bring its existential drama, “Gray in White & Black,” to the big screen.

“Money” was the reason for the protracted shooting schedule, according producer Christopher Gentry, an investment banker who raised the mid-six-figure budget from local private investors over the years of the shoot.

Timothy Burke stars in “Gray in White & Black” as a suicidal criminal attorney who exchanges places with a mysterious drifter (Stephen Angus). Irena Micijevic plays Burke’s wife.

Director I. Michael Toth filmed the 39-minute short “Cast in Gray” starring Burke and Angus in 2004. It played the 2005 festival circuit, and becomes the first of three chapters in “Gray in Black & White.”

The filmmakers shot the third chapter over ten days in August and September 2007, and then photographed the second chapter five days in March, seven days in June, and finally seven days in August of this year.

Toth is cutting the film, with the aim of premiering at the Telluride Film Festival in September, 2009. “Telluride is the start of the season for films like this,” Gentry said. “We have our sights on the top festivals.”

Toth was an accomplished TV and film director in his native Yugoslavia when he moved to the U.S. in 1985. He went on to direct the documentaries “The Freemasons” and “Patricia Barber Quartet: Live in France.”