Filmmaker Justin Jackola’s JJack Productions’ recently launched “Expose the Crew” (ETC), a double-duty online platform that showcases the latest films produced by local independent filmmakers it’s also a source from which to hire experienced crews.
Each Tuesday, “Exposing the Crew” highlights an indie film project, along with one of its crewmembers.
“It’s a perfect hub that gives its audience an opportunity to find new films and a chance to meet the people behind the magic — connecting producers to a full range of talented, experienced crew members,” including actors, DPs, editors, gaffers, locations and writers,” says Jackola, a producer/director/editor whose company has offices at Stage 18 at Cinespace.
Recent work showcased on “ETC” includes films by such diverse local professionals as colorist Tyler Roth, Columbia College instructor and writer Ron Falzone, producer Angie Gaffney, Foley artist Steve Baldwin, location manager Aaron Pagel, audio engineer Zach Gohyeen and actor Chris Agos.
“Your work is put in front of people who are hiring indie filmmakers. Studio executives, production companies, financiers, line producers, casting agents — the entire indie community will be watching your work,” he adds.
ETC accepts project submissions from all filmmakers, regardless of budget. “Local film students are also invited submit their work and have the chance to be highlighted on the site,” says Jackola, a Flashpoint Academy graduate.
Crew members can become permanently listed on the site to keep their contact information readily available to prospective producers. Jackola is hopeful that the site makes job searching easier for both decision makers and crew members.
Jackola and his team created the ETC concept after realizing JJack Production’s website blog could do more than simply post company updates. ”We wanted to do something that brought value to the film community,” he says.
Ruby Thompson is a freelance writer with a passion for local news, currently working as a studio manager NoiseFloor Ltd. She can be reached at