Entrepreneurs to share success secrets

For $55, you can absorb the wisdom and insights of 23 successful business owners at “Rocked the Recession” Friday, Dec. 10, a full day overflowing with ideas and opportunities that could be the catalyst for your profitable new web enterprise.

Jess Loren of Mix Media Solutions and Edward Domain of Flyover Geeks, spent four months assembling the tech/web business owners for workshops and panels.

Natural born entrepreneur Loren is using SocialTechPop ? her latest and possibly her most successful endeavor -? “to bring these business technology leaders together, so people can continue to learn new ideas and make new connections,” she says.

Army veteran, writer, speaker and entrepreneur Domain worked for Chicago and Silicon Valley startups, Domain launched Flyover Geeks to provide media coverage to startups and tech in areas often ignored by the industry press.

They have assembled an impressive cadre of web/tech experts, who are successful regardless of whatever the economic climate is, exemplified by keynoter Mike Evans, founder of Chicago Grubhub food delivery, a recent recipient of $11 million in financing, and panelist Chris Matsakis, the world’s largest Ebay seller.

Moderator is Ed Swiderski, a technology strategy and business solutions moderator for the past 10 years. (Yes, of “The Bachelorette” notoriety; and no, unrelated to the former equipment company Swiderskis.)

Topics are presented in five panels and five workshops, each 75 minutes in length, with panel and workshop running simultaneously.