Editing without boundaries

The brave new technology world that fractured old models has created numerous new ways to break old boundaries in doing business in the visual media industry today.

One of those business models is Ted Lega and Clark Jackson’s Protein Editorial, which takes “a custom editorial approach to each project” through a group of affiliated, independent talent from across the U.S.

The partners plan an official Oct. 17 opening, although they had spent many months perfecting their model ? basically editing without boundaries – which is fairly unique to Chicago post.

One of its key features is “to give our agency clients the ability to tap into a growing number of diverse new and established editors, who have left the traditional post house or never worked for one,” stated Lega.

The eight “editors showcased with them” (as opposed to a “roster” of editors) can’t help but impress.

There’s Cannes Gold Lion winner Stuart Robertson of L.A., who edited a national Exxon Mobil campaign and a Blackberry branded content piece.

Robertson was attracted to Protein, related Lega, because he got a chance to work with a variety of advertisers and companies from around the country, rather than restricted to just one area.

The three L.A.-based editors are Brett Nicoletti, whose latest big campaign was for Hewlitt-Packard; former Cutters’ editor Nadia Hennrich, now living in Venice Beach and director/editor Lorenzo de Guia, who worked for MTV. Located in New York is Eric Horowitz, an ex-partner in The Well editing house; in Chicago, editors are Cara Meiselman, previously with The Whitehouse, plus Protein’s Jackson.

“The editors told us that what we were creating as a business was what they had been waiting for,” noted Lega. With this scenario, he added, “They maintain their independence while gaining strong producing, marketing and technical support.”