Edit Creations cuts four-screen, 100×18-ft. video

As 12,000 members of Lions Club International converge in Sydney, Australia for their annual convention June 28-July 2, they’re seeing a massive and elaborate 100×21-ft. projection. It was produced by CBH Video & Creative Services and edited by Edit Creations, both Burr Ridge-based companies.

Many of the more than three hours of video are translated into 11 languages.

“More than any other job we do, this job is all about workflow,” says Edit Creations president Thomas Tomchak. “Having the wrong workflow can make the difference between making the deadline or not.”

Edit Creations cuts a lower-resolution pre-visualization of the video in Final Cut Pro. After client approval, it then edits the full-resolution 3358×768 footage in After Effects because of the difficulty of real time playback on conventional edit systems.

“We start in After Effects at about 80% done and just have to add final transitions, graphics and so on,” Tomchak says.

Edit Creations outputs four files that are played back on four computers, each slaved to a master computer, and projected on four HD projectors that are blended to create the final image for exhibition.

Atlanta-based Staging Directions and Schaumburg-based Directions AV in Schaumburg stage the show.