Amazing news for the Chicago production community – the new season of Chicago Med is officially underway.
According to Deadline, the highest rated drama on NBC’s One Chicago Wednesdays has resumed production after being stalled back in March due to the pandemic. But production has been deemed safe for cast and crew to return to work at Cinespace Studios and around Chicago.
Below is an Instagram post from Latina actress Lorena Diaz who is best known for her work as Nurse Doris on Med.
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Very few details have been revealed about what’s happening in Chicago Med season 6. One Chicago Center speculates on a potential romance between Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) and the show’s newest addition Dr. Crockett Marcel (Dominic Rains). Med showrunners Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider have been discussing them as a potential pair.
All dates are still tentative and subject to change as pandemic conditions remain fluid. NBCUniversal developed a comprehensive Return to Work playbook, which is being followed by all of the company’s series. It involves reducing shift hours and adding days to shoots to accommodate strict COVID protocols.
Crew and Casting Calls
If you would like work on Chicago Med, Fire or P.D. as a crew member or extra, you can inquire below.
Chicago Fire
Crew: production.chicagofire@gmail.com
Extras: chicagofireextras@gmail.com
Chicago MED
Crew: chicagomedtv@gmail.com
Extras: Facebook Chicago Med Extras
Chicago PD
Crew: cpd.production@gmail.com
Extras: www.facebook.com/CPDExtras Email: CPDBackground@gmail.com Text Line: 312.487.1619
SOURCE: Instagram