Can cleaning feel as good as petting puppies? Clorox says “yes”


What if scrubbing a sink could feel as rewarding as sipping your favorite latte? Or wiping down a countertop could bring as much joy as playing with a puppy? The latest research from Oakland-based Clorox suggests that cleaning might just be the unexpected champion of feel-good activities.

Today, Clorox unveiled its new brand platform (created by FCB Chicago), Clean Feels Good, which reimagines how we experience everyday satisfaction. To back it up, the brand partnered with global neurotech leader Emotiv to compare the emotional responses to cleaning with other popular feel-good activities—and the results might surprise you.

The Science of Clean Feels Good

According to an online survey from Clorox, 21% of Americans say they clean regularly to boost their mood. But Clorox wanted to dig deeper—so they turned to neuroscience.

Using electroencephalography (EEG) technology, Emotiv measured brain activity tied to positive emotions in participants as they engaged in both cleaning tasks and other satisfying activities. Here’s what they found:

  • 37% of participants reported that cleaning the toilet felt better than petting puppies. (Yes, really.)
  • Wiping coffee rings off the counter delivered the same level of enjoyment as getting a manicure or sipping a favorite latte.
  • 43% of participants found that cleaning the toilet was more satisfying than listening to their favorite song.
  • Scrubbing grime from a sink sparked a feel-good response equal to that first sip of morning coffee.
  • Wiping the kitchen counter felt 6% better than getting a massage.

“It may not shock anyone that Clorox believes clean feels good. But discovering through neuroscience that, for some, it can feel as satisfying as petting puppies? Now that was unexpected,” said Tad Kittredge, VP of Marketing and Innovation at The Clorox Company. “Through this new platform, we’re encouraging people to rethink what brings them small moments of joy and embrace the satisfaction of cleaning in their daily lives.”

Clean, Happiness, and the Unexpected Winner

While not everyone is trading in puppy cuddles for a toilet brush, the study revealed that short, simple cleaning tasks can produce emotional benefits comparable to activities like watching a funny video or playing a video game.

Clorox’s latest TV spots capture real people’s reactions to these findings. Madison, for instance, found cleaning the toilet more relaxing than getting a massage, while Travis said wiping the counter was more rewarding than playing a video game. However, even the power of clean couldn’t top a boba tea, proving that there’s still work to do. Watch below:

Want to see the science in action? Clorox’s new campaign, Clean Feels Good, is rolling out across TV, digital, and social platforms, challenging everyone to rethink what truly brings them joy—one sparkling surface at a time.


BRAND: The Clorox Company

Vice President: Tad Kittredge

BRAND: Emotiv

Team: Nik Williams


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