AICP Midwest Show welcomes 1,000 guests

The venue may have changed, but enthusiasm for what’s called “the party of the year” — the 18th annual AICP Midwest Show in Chicago — is higher than ever.

The 2009 AICP Show will be held Thursday, Nov. 19 at the bigger, grander Chicago Cultural, after 16 of its 18 sold-out years of filling the Chicago History Museum.

“The new, larger venue is the ideal place to hold the show in Chicago and will give it a whole, different tone,” notes AICP Midwest Show coordinator Chris Hill of Digital Kitchen.

Expected again this year are approximately 1,000 advertising and production guests, including many production executives from Los Angeles and New York who never miss the festivities and a chance to connect informally with their agency clients and reps here.

Former national AICP president Mark Androw of Story, who has attended the show in almost all the cities on the tour, calls the Chicago show “one of the best.”