MEET. DRINK. TALK. — that’s the official title of AICP-Midwest’s popular annual event held exclusively for Midwest agency, commercial production and editorial professionals Thursday, April 7 at The Underground.
More than 300 guests are expected from AICP member production companies and their agency clients, “to eat, drink and “talk face-to-face in a comfortable, casual environment,” notes Stan Glapa, Cineverse rentals manager and a member of the event planning committee.
Glapa serves along with chairman Tom Fletcher, consultant; Joan O’Connor and Virginia Anello, O’Connor Casting; Michael Beltrame, Whitehouse Post; Emma Jubinski and Jonah Mueller, One at Optimus and Melissa Thornley, STORY, Accomplice Media, HUM Music.
The local AICP chapter has 22 general and 11 associate members, most of them from Chicago. Some guests are expected to drive in from Wisconsin and Indiana for the event.
At 56 W. Illinois, 6-8 p.m. Drinks and buffet served. No charge for AICP members and agency guests; others, $100 per ticket. RSVP here.
THE HOT SUBJECT OF DRONES will be discussed by famous professional still photographers Fred Pfeifer, Mark Segal and Chris Chibucus at the March 23 ChiCPUG meeting. Tech guru ReelChicago columnist Gary Adcock will talk Virtual Reality and Jim Tierney of Digital Anarchy will highlight Beauty Box. At DDB’s offices, 200 E. Randolph, 6:15-9 p.m.
FREE SPIRIT MEDIA on Tuesday, April 5, hosts an Open House at its new offices in the historic Nichols Tower, 906 S. Homan, the last remaining building at what once had been the sprawling worldwide operation of catalog giant Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Free Spirit occupies two floors, and its 11th floor Media Hub is its own space for the first time, having held programs in the South and West Side schools and youth centers.
To RSVP and to make a donation, click here.
AUDIO ENGINEER NICK SANABRIA, who’s built and operated two downtown recording studios, lets actors in on “Learn to Build Your Own Home Studio” at a SAG-AFTRA Conservatory presentation Monday, April 18. At 1 E. Ontario, 6-8 p.m.
SPRING BRINGS sunshine, nice weather, outdoor drinks and dining and your company’s latest news. Send it to ruth@reelchicago.com or phone 312/274-9980.