72andSunny seeks applicants for 3% Conference Chicago

The agency
will sponsor
five young people
to join them at the
November 8–9
Navy Pier event.

To bring more diversity to the agency culture, The 3% Movement was formed. The movement aims to create opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to break glass ceilings and join in on what is happening in the creative industry.

The more varied the people who come up with the ideas are, the better the ideas will be. Since women and people of color make up a large majority of consumer spending and social sharing, it only makes sense that they would also be a larger part of the creative process.

The 3% conference will be hosted at the Navy Pier in Chicago this November 8th – 9th.

A big supporter of this event is an agency REEL360 and Reel Chicago love to cover — 72andSunny. According to a spokeswoman, the agency believes in diverse voices and that those voices lead to more innovation and make 72andSunny and our industry better.

To really put their money where their mouths are, the agency is inviting and sponsoring 5 young people to join them at The 3% Conference.

72andSunny is offering to compensate tickets for 5 young people in an effort to bring new voices to the conversations and encourage their own contributions to the industry and culture. To make the most of their time at the conference, 72andSunny is also hosting a dinner where they will get direct access to inspiring industry professionals. What do they need to do to apply? Answer below!


Must be a student and/or have a deep interest in the creative industry and live in the Chicago/Milwaukee area;

Write a cover letter or creative execution telling us why you should come to the 3% conference with us and how going to this conference will make a difference in your career

Include links to their portfolio and/or resume

Send applications to 72andsunny.

Send your event notices to Reel Chicago Editor Dan Patton, dan@reelchicago.com.