No PGL prize, but Smith still a winner

Almost-nationally-famous director Scott Smith made it all the way up the fiercely competitive line to become one of three Project Greenlight finalists ? but did not win the big prize of directing a $1 million movie and being profiled on Bravo.

“The right guy won” (John Gulager of L.A.), says Smith in his blog hosted on Jim Coudal’s Web site ( In the blog, he tells of his roller coaster emotions as he and his production friends, went to L.A. to attend the July 14 awards ceremony, hosted by PGL founders Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Chris Moore.

“Upon not hearing my name being called after the infamous line, ?and the winner is?’my immediate emotion was disappointment, the next one was relief, huge relief. Relief that this part of the journey was over and next was about to begin,” Smith ruminates in his blog.

When Smith settles in after his remarkable L.A. experience, will host a reception for Smith and the six other Chicago contenders who did such a great job getting into the competition and scoring as high as they did. Stay tuned for date, place and time.