Multiple raffles, Zoom Breakout Rooms, and prizes for your most creative holiday attire are all on tap as the Chicago Acting In Film Meetup NFP (CAFM) wraps up the year with a film industry party, fundraiser, and networking night.
The 12th Annual CAFM Holiday Hurrah (on ZOOM!) happens Monday, December 14, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This event is open to the entire Chicago film production community and the general public. Admission tickets are $25 online through December 9.
“We’re thankful to be celebrating CAFM’s 13th year in Chicago with another fun December fundraiser,” says CAFM Board President Steve Scholz. “And everyone is invited to party with us online this year. That includes filmmakers, film actors, and especially film fans!”

Since 2007, CAFM has helped Chicago’s film actors co-mentor each other and connect with the film production community at large. Along with their members-only monthly educational events, they have held public and industry events including Summer Socials, CIMMFest panels, and an Actors Clothing Swap, and they have hosted the Chicago Creatives Cocktail Party (CCCP) “Happy Hours” plus the A.C.E. (Arts, Culture, and Entertainment) event at The Underground with Billy Dec.

The group has also worked with the Food For Friends program at Church of Our Saviour and raised funds for other nonprofit charities like Care for Real, Hephzibah Children’s Association, and Peace On Earth Film Festival.
“When we moved our monthly events to Zoom in April,” says Scholz, “we explored topics like ‘Self Taping & Social Distancing: The New Normal?’ and ‘Safety First: Pandemic Protection For The Film Actor.’ We also offered ‘Making Your Auditions ZOOM!’ and ‘(Re)Connecting With Casting Directors & Talent Agents’ to help members adapt to our ever-changing industry. And now, we’re excited to connect with the community before we say goodbye to 2020.”
This year, CAFM is again offering “10 Minutes With” Top Talent Agents and Casting Directors in a special online raffle. Premium Raffle prizes will include coaching for actors, headshots, and assorted gift cards. Plus, attendees can win prizes just for having the Best Holiday Zoom Background, being the Best Dressed Guest, or wearing the Ugliest Holiday Sweater.
“We had a fun time giving prizes for creative Zoom users at our Summer Social in August,” says CAFM Fundraising Committee Co-Chair Michal Kokoszka. “So we hope everyone can get into the holiday spirit from wherever they are staying this December. And the good news is, you just might wrap up your shopping with all the prizes we’re giving away.”
The 2020 Holiday Hurrah admission price includes networking with other party attendees in the Zoom Breakout Rooms, plus chances to win Best Dressed Guest, Best Holiday Zoom Background, and Ugliest Holiday Sweater prizes. Premium Raffle tickets are $5 each, and guests can save money with online discounts of 10% off 10, 20% off 20, and 30% off 30 raffle tickets. Special Raffle tickets for “10 Minutes With” Chicago Casting Directors and Talent Agents are $10 each. Every guest is entered to win the Grand Prize which includes a $150 Visa Gift Card. For all prizes, you must be present to win and there are no substitutions or prize transfers. Proceeds from the event will help fund the group’s ongoing educational work, special industry events, and giving back outreach.
“We’re proud to celebrate another year with Chicago’s film community,” says Scholz. “So join us Monday, December 14th and you can mingle online with some of the smartest working actors in Chicago. We throw one of the best parties in town, and we’d love to see you there!”
For more details and to purchase tickets online, visit the Eventbrite link: https://cafmhh2020.eventbrite.com