Legacy: From Horns to House: Celebrating the Musical Legends, a groundbreaking documentary produced in a joint venture between the culture and lifestyle agency, Agents of Slang and Slang Music Group, has taken home three Silver Telly Awards.
The film, directed by Vince Lawrence and Paul Christopher Greene, received these prestigious accolades in the categories of Documentary Directing, Social Impact, and Best History Documentary. This comes on the tail of their partnership with agency OKRP in creating the website 312soul.com which also won multiple awards.
The Telly Awards, known for recognizing excellence in video and television across all screens, showcase outstanding work in various fields of media production. These awards honor the creativity, skill, and innovation displayed by professionals in the industry.
The documentary itself serves as a remarkable tribute to the unsung heroes of music, shedding light on the incredible contributions of Black musicians who influenced Lawrence during his formative years. Artists such as Tom Washington, Eddie Thomas, Captain Sky, Wayne Williams, and The Chosen Few DJs, although relatively unknown to the general public, have left an indelible mark on the musical landscape. Through Legacy: From Horns to House, their stories and artistic journeys are brought to the forefront of popular culture.
This collaborative effort between Agents of Slang and Slang Music Group represents a milestone in celebrating musical legends who often remain unrecognized. The film delves into the lives of these exceptional musicians, sharing their narratives and emphasizing their significant impact on music worldwide.
Driven by deep admiration for these artists, Lawrence not only spearheaded the creation of this documentary but also aims to secure prestigious lifetime awards for these musical pioneers. Organizations such as the Grammys and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are being approached to honor the extraordinary contributions made by these individuals.
Legacy: From Horns to House serves as a vehicle for shining a long-overdue spotlight on the talent and influence of these Chicago musicians. Their groundbreaking work has inspired countless artists and shaped genres that continue to resonate with audiences today. The documentary aims to create a lasting legacy for these unsung heroes by sharing their stories and the impact they have had on music worldwide.
The realization of this project, including extensive historical research, from its conceptualization to its recent airdates on WTTW, exemplifies the exceptional capabilities of the Agents of Slang team. Chief Creative Officer Jim Marcus and CEO Vince Lawrence, both highly talented individuals, were the creative minds behind this remarkable endeavor. Original Music was composed by Tom Washingtion, Eric “DJ Emmaculate” Welton, Lawrence and DJ Terry Hunter for both title and end credits while all incidental music came directly from The Slang Music Vault musicial cues library created to provide culturally relevant music for use by the film, TV and advertising industries.
The entire doc is coated in music stemming from many genres and time periods. Jim Marcus also oversaw every aspect of the project’s unique graphical identity/look, in many cases creating custom fonts for the project.
Director Paul Christopher Greene, the visionary leader of content at Agents of Slang, guided the cinematic aspects of the film, ensuring that every frame of “Legacy: From Horns to House” was crafted with meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a visually captivating experience for viewers.
One of the documentary’s notable features is the unparalleled level of precision in its production. Vince Lawrence’s ingenious decision to create and utilize Agents of Slang’s Mobile Production Vehicle (MPV) showcases the team’s commitment to providing the highest-quality visual experience. the creative team’s integration of cinematic tools, such as RED cameras , the unique LETUS infinity 360 stabilized, remote head steady cam along with drones of various sizes including the DODECA 12blade heavy lifter, showcases their commitment to pushing boundaries and capturing stunning visuals.
The use of these high-quality cameras and stabilized motion control not only enhance the video’s production value but open all sorts of creative doors previously available only to tent pole major motion pictures. This innovative asset enabled seamless footage capture, both on the ground and in the air, with pristine sound quality, at locations such as Sound Mine Studios on South Stoney Island Ave, the residence of the late Mr. Eddie Thomas, and the recording studios of Slang Music Group. CCO Jim Marcus oversaw every aspect of the graphical look, in many cases creating custom fonts for the project.
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