Two decades ago, on April 30, 2004, a high school comedy named Mean Girls hit theaters and quickly became a cultural touchstone. Directed by Mark Waters and written by Tina Fey...
At their Cannes session, ‘Hungry Dogs Run Faster,’ Liz Taylor, global CCO of Ogilvy and novelist and former advertising creative director, James Patterson, shared valuable...
Jacqueline "JJ" Ingram, the beloved producer, who quickly worked her way up the ladder in Chicago film, TV, and commercial production, has lost her battle with cancer at the ag...
Chicago State University is partnering with the Illinois Film Office, Kennedy King College and Filmscape to host the Illinois Film Industry Workforce Training Conference on ...
Celebrated on June 19th, Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. This holiday has been observed by Black Americans for nearly 160 years but was only ma...
Congrats to FCB Chicago! The agency won the Health & Wellness Grand Prix for its campaign for anti-nausea brand Dramamine at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Crea...
The City of Chicago Mayor's Office for Community Safety, in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health and Havas Chicago, has launched A Safe Chicago for All, an ...
Eligible filmmakers are encouraged to submit to the first Oak Park, IL Film Festival, taking place Saturday September 14th at Madison Street Theater 1010 Madison St., Oak Park....
A representative of STARZ has confirmed with Reel Chicago that Season 3 of Power Book IV: Force, which is currently filming in Chicago, will be the final season.
Showrunner ...
From E.R. to Family Matters to The Chi, Chicago has been the backdrop for many memorable television shows, and some of the most iconic and beloved TV dads have called the Windy...
Filmscape Chicago brings together filmmakers, artists, technicians, and students from across Chicago and the greater Midwest for two days of networking, education, and training...
In 1999, Lilly and Lana Wachowski asked movie audiences to take a red pill and join them on a ground-breaking sci-fi journey, The Matrix. Thankfully audiences did and we woke ...
Sundance Institute x Chicago 2024, taking place June 28-30, will make Chicago the first U.S. city to host an independent artist and film weekend in partnership with t...
Juneteenth, officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, is celebrated annually on June 19.
Finally recognized as a Federal Holiday in June of 2021, Juneteenth has ...
Fencepost, a progressive Chicago based studio specializing in film and video post-production services for advertisers since 2016, unveils the expansion of its virtual boutique ...
Healthcare marketing organization AbelsonTaylor Group has selected seven recent college graduates and rising seniors to gain practical experience in advertising and marketing t...
Great Wolf Resorts, Inc. has partnered with FCB Chicago to launch an exciting new campaign aimed at encouraging families to "Wolf Out!" by creating unforgettable memories toget...
Get ready Chi-Hards, there may finally witness a long-awaited wedding in Season 12 of Chicago P.D.
Officers Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) and Adam Ruzek (Patrick Flueger) ...
The Chicago Fire Season 12 finale left fans reeling with several cliffhangers that set the stage for an intense Season 13. One of the most shocking revelations was that firefig...
June marked the closure of the Freedom Center, a pivotal plant that printed nearly every newspaper in Chicago, including the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and even the lo...